While being interviewed for the paper I invented a new word!

When circus painter and art columnist Stacey Williams-Ng came over to my house and interviewed me for the Journal-Sentinel's Art City column, she asked me to spurt three funny words as quickly as possible.   I swiftly produced something that had never been uttered by any vocal chord anywhere ever before.  Fortunately, she had a tape recorder and you can read what it is here...

If you come up a definition for it please email notanja@gmail.com.  If I really like it you could win a complementary RADIOWAVE FROM SPACE!

La Prosette will be appearing at only one holiday fair this December....

Fourteen Virtuous Undesirables

These objects were all culled from my parent’s house where things do not get thrown away easily. It has been over forty years since they moved in, so they live in a museum of 20th & 21st century debris.  Before making the painful decision to throw something away, every possible virtue or alternative use for that at-risk item is considered. My installation below was one of thirty artist’s responses to the topic of “Easily Discarded” at the last CultureJam.  

La Prosette Presents "LIVE Radiowaves From Space"

On August 13th 2014, Anja Notanja transcribed live messages from outer space on Wisconsin Avenue in tandem with the Night Market.  Customers simply asked what it was that they wanted to know from space and the answers fell down from the sky and were picked up by Notanja's antennae.  At 9 p.m. fellow space traveler, Beth Ratas demonstrated native dances from various regions of outer space.  Unfortunately, there is no documentation of her dances at this time, BUT THEY WERE SPENDORIOSO! 

Before anyone took me up on getting a message from space a man asked me "What if I am skeptical?"

Renee Bebeau prepared my hands with cosmic henna for optimal space transcription.

Renee also designed the symbol on my hand.  It means "everything is connected."

Dena wanted to know if she should move away from Austin.

Kat wanted to know if there are dogs out in space.

This guy wanted to know if Sarah should move to Costa Rica or not.

This guy wanted to know if Sarah should move to Costa Rica or not.

She wanted advice from space for her three young adult daughters.

She wanted to know if it was a good idea to quit her job at Goodwill and start her own craft business.

This woman wanted to know when can we travel to Mars???

He wanted to know:  HOW MANY?

They wanted to know if James' love would last.

Julie didn't know what she wanted to know, only that she knew she wanted to know something.

Michelle wanted to know what kind of food is eaten in outer space.

Caitlin Haycock snapped a shot of me experiencing a moment of space reception on her cell phone.

La Prosette Presents ADVICE

On July 16th I invited performance artist Monica Bennett to join me in writing ADVICE on the street.  We offered $6 advice, $12 "good" advice and $24 "really damn good" advice.  Next Wednesday, August 13th I will be back at the Night Market, but this time I will be offering live radiowave messages from space.  Around 9 p.m. dancer Beth Ratas will join me to demonstrate various dances of outer space natives!

Introducing One-of-a-kind Poem Collages!

Last night I made 18 poem collages.  I went to the Maker Market today and every last one of them sold!   These are collages from rough drafts of things I have written.   I keep my rough drafts around so I have plenty of material to work with.  Expect to see some more of these the next time you catch me at a fair or recital! 

Anja Notanja Sieger Named 7th Pfister Hotel Narrator

Read my hotel adventures at http://blog.thepfisterhotel.com/

The Pfister has named Anja Notanja Sieger its seventh "Pfister Narrator." In this role, she will spend time in the hotel's lobby and public spaces, typing letters and poems on site, speaking with visitors and guests and sharing their stories on The Pfister's award-winning blog (http://blog.thepfisterhotel.com).

Unedited Works Typed Live From Recent Street Fairs

They stopped fracking from happening.

He just wanted something brief about Emily Dickinson.

She always looks at the clock at 11:11.

He wanted something that contained things not often talked about and some inspiration.

This was to a singer with a injury that prevented her from singing at the moment.

Cats really will nap anywhere.

Midlife crisis!  Midlife crisis!

You have to know a bit about Milwaukee to get the Hoan bridge reference.

My Winning Story From The Slam At The Pfister Hotel

On Friday, January 17, 2014 after January Gallery Night, Pfister Artist-in-Residence, Stephanie Barenz and Pfister Narrator Molly Snyder collaborated to emcee a unique storytelling event in the Rouge Ballroom. Featuring nine previously selected artists and writers, the event was a highlight of Milwaukee's diverse and vibrant art community.